Friday, October 21, 2011
Crazy Eddie's Motie News: One month of Occupy Wall Street from Next Media An...: This video from Next Media Animation is a few days old, but it's not that dated, as the text says "this week," so it's still worth watching...
Friday, August 06, 2010
How To Appear Impartial While Pushing An Agenda: Analyzing Peggy Noonan
Hail Eris!
How To Appear Impartial While Pushing An Agenda:  Analyzing Peggy Noonan
This guy seriously rocks. Go read him.
How To Appear Impartial While Pushing An Agenda:  Analyzing Peggy Noonan
This guy seriously rocks. Go read him.
Monday, September 04, 2006
JFK Speech on Secret Societies and Freedom of the Press
Hail Eris!
Found on usenet, in -- with thanks to HellPope Huey.
Found on usenet, in -- with thanks to HellPope Huey.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Nono, it's not "anarchy" that doesn't exist...
Hail Eris!
...It's /government/. Just a hallucination of governors, y'see. Of course, there are no enemies anywhere (as Chuang Chou once pointed out), but, being a Snark, I don't necessarily exist either.
...It's /government/. Just a hallucination of governors, y'see. Of course, there are no enemies anywhere (as Chuang Chou once pointed out), but, being a Snark, I don't necessarily exist either.
Gulf War III = Gulf War II?
Hail Eris!
Josh Marshall of TPM has this to say about that (specifically, the first two paragraphs):
"Now, I'm pretty new to this issue. But even I can spot that Stephen Rademaker works for Robert Joseph. And that's the same Bob Joseph who was charged with muscling the CIA into letting President Bush use the Niger bamboozle in the 2003 State of the Union address. And he actually managed to get it done, even after Alan Foley and others at the CIA told him repeatedly they didn't think it was true. So he certainly speaks with a lot of credibility on this issue."
...Has anyone got a spare saucer ship they're not using? I'd like to get off this crazy thing now.
You know, it's strange, but I don't feel like I'm dying from radiation sickness, due to all the fallout from Iran nuking the US. Do you think it's because that never happened?
Josh Marshall of TPM has this to say about that (specifically, the first two paragraphs):
"Now, I'm pretty new to this issue. But even I can spot that Stephen Rademaker works for Robert Joseph. And that's the same Bob Joseph who was charged with muscling the CIA into letting President Bush use the Niger bamboozle in the 2003 State of the Union address. And he actually managed to get it done, even after Alan Foley and others at the CIA told him repeatedly they didn't think it was true. So he certainly speaks with a lot of credibility on this issue."
...Has anyone got a spare saucer ship they're not using? I'd like to get off this crazy thing now.
You know, it's strange, but I don't feel like I'm dying from radiation sickness, due to all the fallout from Iran nuking the US. Do you think it's because that never happened?
Scott, Scott, Scott, Scott, Scott. Get bent.
Hail Eris!
Just in case you forget why people are still ticked off at you and your boss, Scottie, here's a reminder:
THE PRESIDENT: "We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories. You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons. They’re illegal. They’re against the United Nations resolutions, and we’ve so far discovered two. And we’ll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven’t found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they’re wrong, we found them. “
So, to your boss, I say, Scottie: No, you didn't. No, you didn't. He lied, and has since recanted. So get rid of your own. Sure they are, and no you didn't. You haven't, and you won't ever. We're right, you're the wrong one, and no you didn't. To sum up, you lied, you lied about lying, you lied about trying to cover up your lies, and you lied some more. You are, in fact, a pathological liar, and your entire administration is made up of liars and lie-enablers, as well as sociopaths and psychopaths (i.e. Cheney & Rumsfeld), with the possible exceptions of various low-level bureaucrats and those people (Clarke, etc.) who voluntarily resigned.
Therefore, McClellan, you can go suck Osama's dick, assuming he's still alive.
Just in case you forget why people are still ticked off at you and your boss, Scottie, here's a reminder:
THE PRESIDENT: "We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories. You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons. They’re illegal. They’re against the United Nations resolutions, and we’ve so far discovered two. And we’ll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven’t found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they’re wrong, we found them. “
So, to your boss, I say, Scottie: No, you didn't. No, you didn't. He lied, and has since recanted. So get rid of your own. Sure they are, and no you didn't. You haven't, and you won't ever. We're right, you're the wrong one, and no you didn't. To sum up, you lied, you lied about lying, you lied about trying to cover up your lies, and you lied some more. You are, in fact, a pathological liar, and your entire administration is made up of liars and lie-enablers, as well as sociopaths and psychopaths (i.e. Cheney & Rumsfeld), with the possible exceptions of various low-level bureaucrats and those people (Clarke, etc.) who voluntarily resigned.
Therefore, McClellan, you can go suck Osama's dick, assuming he's still alive.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Aren't you glad you live in America, where they can't pull this kind of crap?
Hail Eris!
That is, those of you who do live there...Oh, wait. They can.*
* You have, I presume, heard of the USA PATRIOT Act? Patriot II was going to cover everything they didn't get the first time in one fell swoop, but it got stopped -- so they sneaked bits of it through. So yes, they can do this (see title link).
That is, those of you who do live there...Oh, wait. They can.*
* You have, I presume, heard of the USA PATRIOT Act? Patriot II was going to cover everything they didn't get the first time in one fell swoop, but it got stopped -- so they sneaked bits of it through. So yes, they can do this (see title link).
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Fun for the whole family!
Hail Eris!
Just so you know it can be done by anyone, even someone who's never fired a gun -- though, to be sure, not being the Mighty Hunter that Dick is, I didn't take a drink beforehand. Update: Dangitall, upload!
Update2: Dangitall. Too big.
Hat tip to the Furious Gourmet, BTW, via email.
Just so you know it can be done by anyone, even someone who's never fired a gun -- though, to be sure, not being the Mighty Hunter that Dick is, I didn't take a drink beforehand. Update: Dangitall, upload!
Update2: Dangitall. Too big.
Hat tip to the Furious Gourmet, BTW, via email.
I dood it!
Hail Eris!
Hat tip to Shakespeare's Sister, who credits Shaker Tony for passing it on to her, and he in turn got it from Yglesias. Don't break the chain!
You Passed 8th Grade Math |
![]() Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct! |
Hat tip to Shakespeare's Sister, who credits Shaker Tony for passing it on to her, and he in turn got it from Yglesias. Don't break the chain!
As has been noted elsewhere, some call it Bush-bashing, while others call it slacking...
Hail Eris!
This is fun! A new configuration each time! Oops -- a new game each time...
This is fun! A new configuration each time! Oops -- a new game each time...
Monday, February 27, 2006
Just to give fair warning...
Hail Eris!
I may periodically vanish from the blogosphere -- as I have done in the past -- to either manage my Yahoo groups for awhile or play RuneScape, where I'm known as *Pope_Snarky* (yeah, I know, so original), if you're interested in joining up with me for one of the more advanced quests. So don't worry if you don't hear from me -- I'll be back.
I may periodically vanish from the blogosphere -- as I have done in the past -- to either manage my Yahoo groups for awhile or play RuneScape, where I'm known as *Pope_Snarky* (yeah, I know, so original), if you're interested in joining up with me for one of the more advanced quests. So don't worry if you don't hear from me -- I'll be back.
Personally, I'd have been more amused by cartoons caricaturing US soldiers as torturers...
Hail Eris!
Or, for that matter, as Bush, his cabinet, and their cronies as Hitler and /his/ cabinet & cronies.
At least, either of these would have been funnier than the cartoons printed by the Danish newspaper, anyway. Those were just lame, like Stephen Harper or Georgie.
Or, for that matter, as Bush, his cabinet, and their cronies as Hitler and /his/ cabinet & cronies.
At least, either of these would have been funnier than the cartoons printed by the Danish newspaper, anyway. Those were just lame, like Stephen Harper or Georgie.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
As Shamanic notes on Shakes' Sis, the GWOT must be over, or something...
Hail Eris!
Here's Shamanic's satirical take on the whole thing -- and a tip o' the hat to Bella, in comments. Gosh, golly, and gee whiz, this blog must already be obsolete, I guess.
Update: This theory about the Dubai deal makes a lot of sense to me.
Here's Shamanic's satirical take on the whole thing -- and a tip o' the hat to Bella, in comments. Gosh, golly, and gee whiz, this blog must already be obsolete, I guess.
Update: This theory about the Dubai deal makes a lot of sense to me.
I love the way she put this...
Hail Eris!
When does a fetus become a person? It’s a person when the woman carrying it says it’s a person.
'Nuff said, I think. (Tip o' the hat to Georgine, in comments on this *other* frakkin' brilliant post, from Shakespeare's Sister.)
Update: Scott Lemieux at Lawyers, Guns, & Money had this to say. Dude!
Update2: Reddhedd at firedoglake had a few choice words to say about pregnant rape and incest victims as well. But, naaahhhh, they don't matter, do they?
When does a fetus become a person? It’s a person when the woman carrying it says it’s a person.
'Nuff said, I think. (Tip o' the hat to Georgine, in comments on this *other* frakkin' brilliant post, from Shakespeare's Sister.)
Update: Scott Lemieux at Lawyers, Guns, & Money had this to say. Dude!
Update2: Reddhedd at firedoglake had a few choice words to say about pregnant rape and incest victims as well. But, naaahhhh, they don't matter, do they?
To those who may be offended by the title of this blog...
Hail Eris!
Note, if you will, that said "enemies" are not identified. Indeed, you pretty much have to use perspective to figure out who's on the list, and certain perspectives will yield wildly differing results.;-{P}
Note, if you will, that said "enemies" are not identified. Indeed, you pretty much have to use perspective to figure out who's on the list, and certain perspectives will yield wildly differing results.;-{P}
Friday, February 24, 2006
Cindy Sheehan & Dolores Kesterson: Enemies of America?
Hail Eris!
(Hat tips to Shakes' Sis & The Heretik.)
'Cause, y'know, Cindy doesn't support Bush's glorious war, and now that Dolores has met and talked with him, she doesn't seem to be much for it, either. Hey, you know what? They must be terrorist supporters! After all, if you're not with him, you're with them. He said so, on TV and everything! Hey, no talking about Abu Ghraib or Dubai Ports in the back, there. Don't you know there's a war on?!
(Hat tips to Shakes' Sis & The Heretik.)
'Cause, y'know, Cindy doesn't support Bush's glorious war, and now that Dolores has met and talked with him, she doesn't seem to be much for it, either. Hey, you know what? They must be terrorist supporters! After all, if you're not with him, you're with them. He said so, on TV and everything! Hey, no talking about Abu Ghraib or Dubai Ports in the back, there. Don't you know there's a war on?!
I know, I've been reading about it, but...
Hail Eris!
I only just realised now I haven't as yet commented on the burgeoning Iraqi civil war. All I can really say about it is that I'm only surprised it took so long to /become/ one, not that it did so. Depressingly, I saw it as inevitable back in '03. Unfortunately, when BushCo make messes, it's always Somebody Else's Problem, and now the Iraqi people have a humdinger on their hands. Clearly, twenty-three centuries of history aren't enough to teach people not to stir the pot of Middle Eastern politics, or to untie the knot with a sword...
I only just realised now I haven't as yet commented on the burgeoning Iraqi civil war. All I can really say about it is that I'm only surprised it took so long to /become/ one, not that it did so. Depressingly, I saw it as inevitable back in '03. Unfortunately, when BushCo make messes, it's always Somebody Else's Problem, and now the Iraqi people have a humdinger on their hands. Clearly, twenty-three centuries of history aren't enough to teach people not to stir the pot of Middle Eastern politics, or to untie the knot with a sword...
The "pro-coathanger" folks just never quit, do they?
Hail Eris!
With a tip o' the hat to Shakes' Sis...I wrote an LJ post on the subject of women & pregnancy last May, and I still like it, so go read that, then come back here and comment, if you want.
With a tip o' the hat to Shakes' Sis...I wrote an LJ post on the subject of women & pregnancy last May, and I still like it, so go read that, then come back here and comment, if you want.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Hail Eris!
Rottweiler said what I've been saying for a long time, right here:
"The nightmare that is the Bush administration is not going to end in 3 years."
Go to the link for the full comment, and here for the blog entry.
Why, you might ask, do I think the nightmare won't end in three years? Because people who commit war crimes don't then open themselves up to being put on trial for those same crimes, if they can get away at all with not doing it. C'mon, this isn't rocket science...I'm starting a pool: In the next three years, there will be, in the US or worldwide, either a) civil war; b) world war; or c) martial law without civil war. Any takers?
OK, no takers, and I was wrong on all three counts. BushCo were a bunch of lame fuckups, and y'all have no guts. Mind you, I don't mind at all being wrong about b)...
Rottweiler said what I've been saying for a long time, right here:
"The nightmare that is the Bush administration is not going to end in 3 years."
Go to the link for the full comment, and here for the blog entry.
Why, you might ask, do I think the nightmare won't end in three years? Because people who commit war crimes don't then open themselves up to being put on trial for those same crimes, if they can get away at all with not doing it. C'mon, this isn't rocket science...I'm starting a pool: In the next three years, there will be, in the US or worldwide, either a) civil war; b) world war; or c) martial law without civil war. Any takers?
OK, no takers, and I was wrong on all three counts. BushCo were a bunch of lame fuckups, and y'all have no guts. Mind you, I don't mind at all being wrong about b)...
Perhaps they need to be reminded of what it feels like to be oppressed?
Hail Eris!
No, really, think about it. Today's Xians haven't known real tyranny against them since before Emperor Constantine converted on his deathbed -- Stalin aside, since he oppressed every religion, no favouritism, and Hitler got around to them last of all, while the rest of the 20th-century tyrants were as likely as not to oppress non-Xians and favour Xians -- but they've been behind some pretty monstrous oppression, particularly in the past five years. Of course, it's largely a moot point in the US and Canada, where they hold a great deal of power, but a girl can dream, can't she?
No, really, think about it. Today's Xians haven't known real tyranny against them since before Emperor Constantine converted on his deathbed -- Stalin aside, since he oppressed every religion, no favouritism, and Hitler got around to them last of all, while the rest of the 20th-century tyrants were as likely as not to oppress non-Xians and favour Xians -- but they've been behind some pretty monstrous oppression, particularly in the past five years. Of course, it's largely a moot point in the US and Canada, where they hold a great deal of power, but a girl can dream, can't she?
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Does my profile photo disturb you?
Hail Eris!
Does it shock you? Sicken you? Disgust you? Horrify you, even? I hope it affects you in some way. I hope it causes a reaction in everyone who sees it, along these lines. I hope it also spurs you to do something about it -- if it hasn't already, from seeing it elsewhere -- to get angry about what it represents, and take action. Write a letter to your congresscritter, demonstrate, form a political party opposing it, opposing the use of torture as a means of gaining intelligence or as a form of punishment, opposing secret prisons which hold people without legal representation or contact with friends and family, opposing a war on a word, an emotion, a war which can never be won.
Do it quickly, too.
If the US isn't lurching drunkenly towards another civil war, then the whole planet just may be lurching towards WWIV, and neither of these is desirable at all.
Incidentally, said civil war is likely to begin on the issue of immigration -- not Bush or his wars. Hence, the initial violent opposition to Bush's regime will come from...racists. Now, doesn't that make the entire lefty blogosphere feel *so* special? Talk about "lose-lose" situations...
Does it shock you? Sicken you? Disgust you? Horrify you, even? I hope it affects you in some way. I hope it causes a reaction in everyone who sees it, along these lines. I hope it also spurs you to do something about it -- if it hasn't already, from seeing it elsewhere -- to get angry about what it represents, and take action. Write a letter to your congresscritter, demonstrate, form a political party opposing it, opposing the use of torture as a means of gaining intelligence or as a form of punishment, opposing secret prisons which hold people without legal representation or contact with friends and family, opposing a war on a word, an emotion, a war which can never be won.
Do it quickly, too.
If the US isn't lurching drunkenly towards another civil war, then the whole planet just may be lurching towards WWIV, and neither of these is desirable at all.
Incidentally, said civil war is likely to begin on the issue of immigration -- not Bush or his wars. Hence, the initial violent opposition to Bush's regime will come from...racists. Now, doesn't that make the entire lefty blogosphere feel *so* special? Talk about "lose-lose" situations...
It's not Greenwald's article, it's this comment...
Hail Eris!
Some anonymous Kool-Aid addict wrote:
The solution to the Bush presidency is someone who is FAR RIGHT of President Bush.
Well, sorry, but Attila and Genghis are currently unavailable, unless they've been reincarnated as Cheney and Rumsfeld, so you'll have to settle for a mediocre dog-and-pony show of an excuse for a fascist regime. Osama won't have anything to do with you either, assuming he's still alive...Well, not if he doesn't want to blow his cover, anyway.
Pope Snarky Goodfella of the undulating cable, JM, CK, POEE, KOTHASK, DSOCPL, HCNB, GGGHD, EOTHIDIAUTP, BCB, MU
Some anonymous Kool-Aid addict wrote:
The solution to the Bush presidency is someone who is FAR RIGHT of President Bush.
Well, sorry, but Attila and Genghis are currently unavailable, unless they've been reincarnated as Cheney and Rumsfeld, so you'll have to settle for a mediocre dog-and-pony show of an excuse for a fascist regime. Osama won't have anything to do with you either, assuming he's still alive...Well, not if he doesn't want to blow his cover, anyway.
Pope Snarky Goodfella of the undulating cable, JM, CK, POEE, KOTHASK, DSOCPL, HCNB, GGGHD, EOTHIDIAUTP, BCB, MU