It's not Greenwald's article, it's this comment...
Hail Eris!
Some anonymous Kool-Aid addict wrote:
The solution to the Bush presidency is someone who is FAR RIGHT of President Bush.
Well, sorry, but Attila and Genghis are currently unavailable, unless they've been reincarnated as Cheney and Rumsfeld, so you'll have to settle for a mediocre dog-and-pony show of an excuse for a fascist regime. Osama won't have anything to do with you either, assuming he's still alive...Well, not if he doesn't want to blow his cover, anyway.
Pope Snarky Goodfella of the undulating cable, JM, CK, POEE, KOTHASK, DSOCPL, HCNB, GGGHD, EOTHIDIAUTP, BCB, MU
Some anonymous Kool-Aid addict wrote:
The solution to the Bush presidency is someone who is FAR RIGHT of President Bush.
Well, sorry, but Attila and Genghis are currently unavailable, unless they've been reincarnated as Cheney and Rumsfeld, so you'll have to settle for a mediocre dog-and-pony show of an excuse for a fascist regime. Osama won't have anything to do with you either, assuming he's still alive...Well, not if he doesn't want to blow his cover, anyway.
Pope Snarky Goodfella of the undulating cable, JM, CK, POEE, KOTHASK, DSOCPL, HCNB, GGGHD, EOTHIDIAUTP, BCB, MU
There's always Hitler. Um, on second thought he isn't right of Bush.
Hail Eris!
Chuk! Ya found me! No, he isn't -- neither's Napoleon, who basically just wanted to conquer everything in sight, and not necessarily force everyone to live as though it was still 1210 AD, or something. Maybe a Limbaugh-Coulter ticket? *ponders* Sorry, I have to go vomit now.
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