Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Does my profile photo disturb you?

Hail Eris!

Does it shock you? Sicken you? Disgust you? Horrify you, even? I hope it affects you in some way. I hope it causes a reaction in everyone who sees it, along these lines. I hope it also spurs you to do something about it -- if it hasn't already, from seeing it elsewhere -- to get angry about what it represents, and take action. Write a letter to your congresscritter, demonstrate, form a political party opposing it, opposing the use of torture as a means of gaining intelligence or as a form of punishment, opposing secret prisons which hold people without legal representation or contact with friends and family, opposing a war on a word, an emotion, a war which can never be won.

Do it quickly, too.

If the US isn't lurching drunkenly towards another civil war, then the whole planet just may be lurching towards WWIV, and neither of these is desirable at all.

Incidentally, said civil war is likely to begin on the issue of immigration -- not Bush or his wars. Hence, the initial violent opposition to Bush's regime will come from...racists. Now, doesn't that make the entire lefty blogosphere feel *so* special? Talk about "lose-lose" situations...
